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All machines are built in-house to our proprietary know-how and are audited and certified for technical functionality and safety by TÜV inspection.

Drilling Machine for gas nozzles
With our pneumatic drilling machine we are able to open clogged or obstructed gas-nozzles in coke-ovens.

In some Plants the water pressure for cooling the lance is not sufficiently high, therefore we use our own booster pumps to increase the pressure and flow of water.

O2 burning system for drilling bricks
System with combustion lance handle, protected hose, regulation valve and consumable safety parts used in the glass industry for, e.g., drilling bricks.

Cleaning Technology for the Glass industry by using special gas lances
For achieving a good bond between welding mass and brick it is often necessary to clean the surface of the contaminated bricks.

Inspection-system for the glass industry
Some damages are not visible by direct view, therefore the repair has to be done byusing our camera system. The welder can monitor his work on the video screen.

Watercooled Welding Lances

Watercooled working support